Forum Documents
   Rethinking the quality of risk managemen...
     Appendix 1


Rethinking the quality of risk management disclosure practices

Appendix 1

Table 1

Information about past-due OTC derivatives and credit losses1

Book value of derivatives past-due 30-89 days



Book value of derivatives past-due 90 days or more2


Gross positive market value of derivatives past-due 30-89 days


Gross positive market value of derivatives past-due 90 days or more2


Credit losses on derivative instruments during the period


  1. Certain countries may apply different maturity breakdowns when assessing past-due derivatives.
    Also, supervisors may wish to consider information on derivatives that have been restructured due to deterioration in counterparty credit quality or past-due status, together with information on collateral and guarantees supporting these exposures. While included in this table's aggregate information, supervisors may wish to obtain separate information on certain categories of higher risk derivative instruments, as appropriate.
  2. Information about derivatives that are past-due 90 days or more should also include information about derivatives that, while not technically past-due, are with counterparties that are not expected to pay the full amounts owed to the institution under the derivative contracts.

Source: "Framework for Supervisory Information about Derivatives and Trading Activities", Joint Report by the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision and the Technical Committee of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions, September 1998

Table 2
Decomposition of On- and Off-Balance Sheet Items*

On-balance sheet items


  • of which unsecured loans
  • of which secured loans
    • of which real estate
    • of which cash and marketable securities
    • of which others

Off-balance sheet items


  • of which unsecured, undrawn committed facilities
  • of which secured, undrawn committed facilities
    • of which real estate
    • of which cash and marketable securities
    • of which other
  • of which performance guarantees and trade letters of credit
  • of which financial guarantees and letters of credit
  • of which others



* This table can also be presented with a decomposition by rating, industry, country or currency of the on- and off-balance sheet items and their provisions.

Risk Library * Forum Documents * Rethinking the quality of risk management disclosure practices