
Key Risk Concepts
The regulatory documents which have been assembled on the IFCI regulatory database deal with financial risks. Key Risk Concepts attempts to impose a logical order on this wide universe of on-line regulatory documents. The framework we have designed will help the user understand financial risks and the purpose and objectives of this database. The framework, consisting of 13 key risk concepts, is structured around the following three questions: - What are risks about which regulators are worried, i.e. sources of risk?
- Why are the regulators concerned about these risks, i.e. what are the public policy concerns?
- What techniques are available to regulators to address these concerns, i.e. what are the risk mitigation techniques?
There will be an overview to each of the 13 key risk concepts. Each overview will define the risk concept, list its main points and most important of all, highlight the most relevant documents on the database. There will also be a summary of every report which has been singled out.