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         II. Rules and procedures of the SSS


Disclosure Framework For Securities Settlement Systems

II. Rules and procedures of the SSS

It is important that SSSs have clear rules and procedures governing all major aspects of their operations. If participants have access to these rules and procedures, they will be able to form clear expectations about the actions of the SSS and will be able to use their understanding to make decisions on that basis. This is particularly important with regard to the resolution of failures to settle or other potential disruptions to the operation of the SSS.

The rules and procedures also typically describe the structures and processes for taking decisions that are at the core of any organisation's corporate governance. For SSS operators, the integrity of the decision-making processes and the means for communicating decisions is important to the level of confidence participants have in the system's ability to manage risk fairly and effectively.

The questions below focus broadly on how participants can obtain copies of the SSS's rules and procedures, how participants can provide input to the rules and procedures, how they are notified of changes, the applicability of the rules and procedures to the SSS as well as its participants, and the circumstances under which the rules and procedures can be overridden. Taken together, the questions are intended to provide participants with an understanding of the role that the system's rules and procedures play within the operation of the SSS.

A. Does the SSS maintain a complete list of the rules and procedures governing the rights and obligations of participants and the duties of the SSS?

  1. How can participants obtain a copy of the rules and procedures?
  2. Does other documentation provided to participants (e.g. user guides) have the same status as the rules and procedures?
  3. Describe the process for changing rules and procedures, including any need for regulatory approval.

    1. What authority is required, and how does this differ depending on the type of change involved?
    2. How are participants notified of changes in rules and procedures?
    3. Is there a procedure for participants or others to comment on proposed rule changes?

B. Are the rules and procedures binding on the SSS as well as its participants? Under what conditions and on whose authority can written rules and procedures be waived or suspended by the SSS?

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