Committees at the Bank for International Settlement (BIS)
Foreword Table of Contents Introduction I. Basic information II. Rules and procedures of the SSS III. Relationships with participants IV. Relationships with other SSSs and commercial intermediaries V. Securities transfers, funds transfers and linkages between transfers VI. Default procedures VII. Securities overdrafts, securities lending and back-to-back transactions VIII. Risk control measures IX. Operational risks Glossary Members of the Working Group on Disclosure by Securities Settlement Systems
Table of Contents
I. Basic information
II. Rules and procedures of the SSS
III. Relationships with participants
IV. Relationships with other SSSs and commercial intermediaries
V. Securities transfers, funds transfers and linkages between transfers
VI. Default procedures
VII. Securities overdrafts, securities lending and back-to-back transactions
VIII. Risk control measures
IX. Operational risks
Members of the Working Group on Disclosure by Securities Settlement Systems
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