

Daily Adjustable Tax- Exempt Securities (DATES) * Daily Earnings at Risk (DEaR) * Daily Price or Trading Limit * Daily Settlement * Data Mining * Data Snooping * Day Count Basis * Day Trade * Daylight OverDraft (DOD) * Daylight Risk Exposure * Deal * Dealer * Dealer Market * Dealer-to-Dealer Broker * Dealing * Death Put * Debenture * Debit Spread * Debt Exchangeable for Common Stock (DECS) * Debt Instrument or Debt Security * Debt Service Costs * Debt Service Coverage Ratios * Debt Warrant * Debt with a Mandatory Common Stock Purchase Contra * Debt with Springing Warrants * Debt/Equity Ratio * Debt-Equity Swap * Decay Factor * Decline Guarantee * Decoupling * Decoupling Trade * Dedicating a Portfolio * Deep Pockets * Default * Default Exposure * Default Payment * Default Risk * Defeasance * Deferred Coupon Note or Bond * Deferred Interest Bond * Deferred Pay Securities * Deferred Payment American Option * Deferred Payment Note or Bond * Deferred Payout Option * Deferred Premium Option * Deferred Start Option * Deferred Start Swap * Deferred Strike or Strike Price Option * Deferred Swap * Degenerate Swap * Delayed Convertible * Delayed Reset Swap * Delayed Settlement * Delayed Start Swap * Deleveraged Constant Maturity-linked Floating Rate * Deleveraged Instrument * Deliverable * Delivery * Delivery Day * Delivery Factor * Delivery Month * Delivery Option * Delivery Price * Delivery Risk * Delivery Specifications * Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) * Delta * Delta Hedge * Delta Neutral * Delta/Gamma Hedge * Delta-Gamma-Kappa-Rho Hedge * Dematerialization * Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) * Depletion * Depo Rate * Déport * Deposit * Deposit Notes * Depositary Receipt * Depository Institution * Depository Trust Company (DTC) * Derivative Instrument or Product * Derivatives Operating Subsidiary * Derivatives Product Company (DPC) * Derivatives Trading Manager (DTM) * Derman-Dupire Models * Designated Investment Exchange (DIE) * Designated Order Turnaround (DOT) System * Designated Primary Market Maker (DPM) * Designated Time Net Settlement (DTNS) * Destructured Asset Swap * Detachable Warrants * Diagonal Bear Spread * Diagonal Bull Spread * Dichotomous Variable * Diff or Difference Option * Diff or Difference Swap * Difference Check * Differential Swap * Diffusion Process * Digital Equity Note * Digital Option * Dilequant * Dilution * Diminishing Marginal Utility * Dint * Direct Registration of Securities (DRS) * Dirty Hedge Instrument * Dirty Price * Disagio * Disclaimer * Disclosure Document * Disclosure Risk * Discontinuity Risk * Discount Bond * Discount Currency * Discount Factor * Discount Instrument * Discount Swap * Discount Yield * Discrete Average * Discrete Payoff Bull Note * Discretionary Order * Discriminant Analysis * Disintermediation * Distribution * Distribution-Free Statistics * Distribution-Free Test * Diversification * Dividend Arbitrage * Dividend Capture Program * Dividend Cross-Over Method * Dividend Enhanced Convertible Stock (DECS) * Dividend ReInvestment Program (DRIP) * Dividend Stripping * Dividend Swap * Dividend Washing * Dollar Bond Index-Linked Securities (Dollar BILS) * Dollar Cost Averaging * Dollar Risk Premium * Dollar Roll * Dollar Value of a Basis Point (DV 01) * Dollarization * Dollarized Bull Note * Dollarized Derivative Security * Dollarized Yield Curve Note (DYCN) * Dollars at Risk (DAR) * Dollar-Weighted Return * Don't Know (DK) * Double Barrier Option * Double Option * Double Rated * Double Taxation Agreement * Double-Declining Balance (DDB) * Down-and-In Call * Down-and-In Put * Down-and-Out Call * Down-and-Out Put * Downgrade Risk * Downside Probability * Downside Put * Dragon Bonds * Drawdown * Drawdown Swap * Dressed * Dressed Option * Drift * Droit de Timbre * Drop Out Price * Drop-Lock Floating Rate Note * Drop-Lock Swap * Dual Contingency Option * Dual Coupon Swap * Dual Currency Bond * Dual Currency Option * Dual Currency Swap * Dual Index Floater or Note * Dual Listing * Dual Option * Dual Option Bonds * Dual Trading * Duet Bond * Dumbbell Strategy * Dummy Variable * Dupire-Derman-Rubinstein Models * Duration * Duration Bogey * Duration Gap * Duration Matching * Duration Risk Management * Duration-Weighted Swap * Durbin Watson Statistic * Dutch Auction * Dutch Auction Interest and Dividend Reset * Dutch Auction Rate Transferable Securities (DARTS) * Dynamic Asset Allocation * Dynamic Hedging * Dynamic Overwriting
