

Ladder Cap * Ladder Option or Note * Ladder Trade * Lambda * Large-Cap Investment Manager * Latent Call Option * Latent Warrant * Lattice * Law of Large Numbers * Law of One Price * Least Squares Regression Line * Leg * Legal List * Legal Right of Setoff * Legal Risk * Lender Option * Lender's Option- Borrower's Option (LOBO) * Leptokurtosis * Less Developed Countries (LDCs) * Letter of Credit (LC) * Letter Stock * Lettre de Faire * Level Payment Swap * Leverage * Leverage Factor * Leveraged BuyOut (LBO) * Leveraged Derivatives Transaction (LDT) * Leveraged Floating Rate Note * Leveraged Recapitalization * Leveraged Reverse Floating Rate Note * Leveraged Structured Note * Leveraged Swap * Leveraged-Capped Floater * Liability * Liability Manager * Liability Risk Management * Liability-Based Swap * LIBID * LIBOR * LIBOR Differential Swap * LIBOR EuroDollar (LED) Spread * LIBOR In-Arrears Swap * LIBOR Index Principal Swap (LIPS) * LIBOR Range Note * LIBOR2 Swap * Life Assurance and Unit Trust Regulatory Organizat * Lifetime * Lifting a Leg * LIMEAN * Limit Move * Limit Option * Limit Order * Limit Up/Limit Down * Limited Exercise Option * Limited Liability Company (LLC) * Limited Put * Limited Two-Way Payment (LTP) Clause * Linear Interpolation * Linear Programming * Linked Asset * Liquid Asset-Backed Securities (LABS) * Liquid Yield Option Note (LYON) * Liquidate * Liquidity * Liquidity Preference Theory * Liquidity Premium * Liquidity Risk * Listed Futures Contract * Listed Option * Listed Security * Load * Loan Equivalent * Loan Participation * Loan-based Certificates * Local * Local Return * Locked Market * Lock-In Clause * Lock-In Effect * Lock-In Option * Lock-Limit * Lock-Out Option * Lock-Out Period * Lock-Step Option * Lock-Up Option * Logarithm * Logarithmic Transformation * Logit Regression Analysis * Lognormal Distribution * Logwealth Utility Function * Lombard Rate * London Clearing House Ltd. (LCH) * London Inter-Bank BID Rate (LIBID) * London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) * Long * Long Bond Yield Decrease Warrants (Turbos) * Long Dated Forward * Long Dated Option * Long Hedge * Long Position * Long the Basis * Longitudinal Study * Long-Short Portfolio * Long-term Equity AnticiPation Securities (LEAPS) * Long-term Rate Risk * Lookback Currency Option * Lookback Option * Lookback Price Option * Lookback Step-Up Cap * Lookback Strike Option * Lookforward Option * Lorenz Curve * Loss Aversion * Loss Limit * Lot * Lottery Option * Louvre Accord * Low Coupon Swap * Low Exercise Price Options (LEPOs) * Low Outlay Geared Option (LOGO) * Lower of Cost or Market (LCM) * Lower Partial Moment * Lower Partial Moment
